Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Bhagavad Gita: 14) Yoga of the 3 Gunas.


This page tells the fourteenth installment of an amazing story occurring in the midst of a battle field, long long ago. I am only re-writing (the translation of) this wonderful story on this blog. Originally written in Sanskrit, the Bhagavad Gita, even though conceived as a religious text, is an entire coded system in itself for any human being (irrespective of cast, creed, sex and religion) to become perfect. While the Bhagavad Gita has been been translated into English by many great authors, I have mostly referred to the version of Swami Chinmayanada Ji. This page - and the 17 others in this series/story - are dedicated, with great respect, to the author of the most amazing book (according to me) ever written, Sage Vyasa.

14. Yoga of the Three Gunas

1)      SRI KRISHNA:
I will again declare (to you) that Supreme Knowledge, the best of all knowledge’s, having known which, all the sages have attained Supreme Perfection after this life.
2)      They who, having refuge in this ‘knowledge’ have attained to My being, are neither born at the time of Creation, nor are they disturbed at the time of dissolution.
3)      My womb is the great Brahman (Mula Prakriti); in that I place the germ; from which, O Bharata (Arjuna), is the birth of all beings.
4)      Whatever forms are produced, O Kaunteya (Arjuna) in all the wombs whatsoever, the great Brahma (Mula Prakriti) is their womb, and I the seed-giving Father.
5)      Purity, Passion and inertia – these qualities (Gunas), O Mahabaho, (Mighty Armed – Arjuna) born of Prakriti, bind the Indestructible, Embodied one, fast in the body.
6)      Of these, Sattva, which because of stainless-ness, is luminous and healthy, (un-obstructive). It binds by (creating) attachment to ‘happiness’ and attachment to ‘knowldege’, O Sinless one (Arjuna.)
7)      Know thou Rajas (to be) of the nature of passion, the source of thirst and attachment; it binds fast, O Kaunteya (Arjuna), the embodied one, by attachment to action.
8)      But know thou Tamas is born of ignorance, deluding all embodied beings, it binds fast, O Bharata (Arjuna) by heedlessness, indolence and sleep.
9)      Sattva attaches to happiness, Rajas to action, O Bharata (Arjuna) while Tamas verily, shrouding knowledge, attaches to heedlessness.
10)   Now Sattva rises (prevails), O Bharata (Arjuna) having over-powered Rajas and inertia (Tamas); Now Rajas, having over-powered Sattva and inertia (Tamas); and Inertia (Tamas), having over-powered Sattva and Rajas.
11)   When, through every gate (senses) in this body, the light-of-intelligence shines, then it may be known that ‘Sattva’ is predominant.
12)   Greed, activity, undertaking of actions, restlessness longing – these arise when Rajas is predominant, O Best in the Bharata family (Arjuna).
13)   Darkness, inertness heedlessness and delusion – these arise when Tamas is predominant, O descendant-of-Kuru (Arjuna)
14)   If the embodied one meets with death when Sattva is predominant, then he attains to the spotless worlds of the ‘Knowers of the Highest.’
15)   Meeting death in Rajas, he is born among those attached to action; and dying in Tamas, he is born in the womb of the senseless.
16)   The fruit of good action, they say is Sattvic and pure; verily, the fruit of Rajas is pain, and the fruit of Tamas is ignorance.
17)   Knowledge arises from Sattva, Greed from Rajas, heedlessness, delusion and also ignorance arise from Tamas.
18)   Those who are abiding in Sattva go upwards; the Rajasic dwell in the middle; and the Tamasic, abiding in the function of the lowest Guna, go downwards.
19)   When the Seer beholds no agent other than the Gunas and knows him who is higher than the Gunas, he attains to My Being.
20)   The embodied-one, having crossed beyond these three Gunas out of which the body is evolved, is freed from birth, death, decay and pain, and attains to Immortality.
21)   ARJUNA:
What are the marks of him who has crossed over the three Gunas, O Lord (Krishan)? What is his conduct, and how does he go beyond these three Gunas?
Light activity and delusion, when present, O Pandava (Arjuna), he hates not, nor longs for them when absent.
23)   He who, seated like one unconcerned, is not moved by the Gunas, wo knowing that the Gunas operate, is self-centered and swerves not…
24)   Alike in pleasure and pain; who dwells in the self; to whom a clod of earth, a precious stone, and gold are alike; to whom the dear and the not dear are the same; firm; the same in censure and self-praise…
25)   The same in honor and dishonor; the same to friend and foe; abandoning all undertakings – he is said to have crossed beyond the Gunas.
26)   And he, serving Me with unswerving devotion, and crossing beyond the Gunas is fit to become Brahman.

27)   For I am the Abode of Brahman, the Immortal and the Immutable, of everlasting Dharma, and Absolute Bliss.

Thus ends the 14th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.

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